Reply To: Agudah Says to Vote, But Doesn’t Remind Us Who

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1. The impact on frum institutions of raising taxes on the “donor-class” could be serious. Many Torah institutions depend on contributions from donors who are also home owners and have high incomes and live in Blue states. The issue isn’t so simple.

2. Consider other aspects of the red-blue issue. Many frum people benefit from entitlements, such as WIC, CHIP, Medicare and Social Security (not so much as the goyim since most of “our greatest generation” didn’t live to retirement, but we now have frum boomers reaching retirement ago so it affects us to), Medicaid and even SNAP. Any fiscally responsible policy needs to cut entitlements. So what is the frum position on the matter.

This issues are all complex, and Agudah needs to address a much more complicated situation than you seem to realize, meaning they need to work with all sides of the political system. You can’t very easily endorse one candidate, and expect to work with his opponent if you picked the wrong horse.