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Coffee addict, laskern

“And Avraham didn’t have nisyonos? So that made h a beinoni (according to your definition)

Is there someone according to your definition of צדיק and if so name one because everyone has נסיונות even משה רבינו”

Coffee addict im glad you clarified your question because I see what I wrote has been misunderstood. Allow me to explain (laskern this answers your question as well.)

Everyone has challenges tzaddikim included. Everyone needs to better themselves, tzaddikim included. In fact, if a tzadik doesn’t work on himself, he can fall and even become a rasha as has happened in history with yochanan kohen gadol.

So what’s the difference between rasha beinoni tzadik (according to Tanyas definition)? What the struggle is about.

Each category is immense and can include many madreigos in itself.

Rasha vra lo- does aveiros and feels no remorse. (Category of rasha which we don’t fall into bh as koshere yidden.)

Rasha vtov lo struggles with his yetzer hara and falls. But he regrets it. Now this is a very broad category of people. Because it includes on the bottom people that do multiple aveiros bmaase every day, and feel bad once in awhile, to the person who sins in his thoughts once a year say, and does teshuva over it, but his teshuva doesn’t prevent him from falling again.

Most yidden fit into this category but the Alter Rebbe advises us to think of ourselves as want to be beinonim, and strive to live as a beinoni moment but moment, to avoid depression or not taking aveiros seriously.

Beinoni: is on the level where even though he struggles with his yetzer hara on aveira matters, but he doesn’t give in and he knows he won’t give in (like a super hot shabbos but you know you won’t turn on the air conditioning.)

All of us can strive to live as a minute by minute beinoni taking each minute and trying to fulfill Hashem’s ratzon theno, even if we may not be holding by the mindset of a beinoni which doesn’t allow him to give into the bad.

Finally, there is the tzadik.

Tzadik: doesn’t struggle with actual aveira matters but

Tzadik vra lo: struggles with how much he tolerates evil – as the toleration shows that there is room for it. The more he increases his love of Hashem, the less he tolerates evil. Until he can reach the pinnacle where he completely evicts his personal yetzer to do evil, has ultimate ahavas Hashem, and zero tolerance for evil. As Dovid hamelech was able to conclude – tachlis sina sineisim.

Now even tzaddikim need to grow. And they are tested as well. But their tests are centered around how much in line they are with ratzon Hashem, and in general their avoda revolves around refining their feelings. Whereas the lower levels revolve around refining practical expressions of the bad within: controlling our thought speech and action. Not the thought that firsts pops into your head, but the decision whether to keep thinking about it.

So we all have the power to control our thought speech and action. Transforming the feelings behind them is not for most of us and the status of tzadik is only for Hashem to choose who gets to have that potential for their avoda, which isn’t the majority.

(Although there are some aspects of tzadik that we are promised to reach if we truly do all within our power.)