Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


CS: “Regarding what you see as problems in lubavitch that result from the Rebbes shittos, the only way to properly discuss that is to analyse the extent of the problems in our community and yours and see which is worse. Since as Daas yochid pointed out that is not ok as it infringes on issurim, I have retracted that mode of addressing it and I would advise you and DY as well to abide by the same halacha I am being expected to abide by.”

1. You are implying that my community suffers from what you hinted to. They definitely do NOT! I know this for a fact and, as you may have noticed, I am a cynic and not someone who just believes what feels good. So your implication is offensive. On the other hand, I DO know a lot of what goes on in Lubavich and the situation is NOT good, to say the least. As we have mentioned, where there is a lack of tznius there is ALWAYS a lack of kedusha R”L.

2. It’s not lashon hara if there is a clear to’eles, and the to’eles I’m aiming for is twofold. First, to show you and your colleagues that you have what to fix up urgently before preaching. Second, to warn others of the situation so that they shouldn’t be blindly caught up by your nice friendly explanations of how fantastic lubavich is. Your chassidus’s lack of tznius is a great danger to everybody who is involved with them, and IMHO it is even more dangerous than a lot of the other stuff I have been protesting..