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Let’s be clear: Almost no Gedolim or Rabonim came out wither way. No major names at least. It’s all “he said this” and ” he said that”.

The only thing we have from the big names is the few letters saying that Dr. Shanick unsuccessfuly tried to plead his case to Reb Chaim. We have Reb Shmuel, Reb Malkiel Reb Matisyahu on to different letters I have, Reb Eliezer Dunner, Reb Aaron Shechter, Reb Elya Ber and more signing that Reb Chaim paskened one does not need to be vaccinated, and a school has no right to keep the unvaccinated out.

The only big names we have on the vaxxers side is a quote from Reb Elyashiv. Maybe he said it, and maybe he didn’t. But the letter also said the information the questioner told Reb Elyashiv, which is extremely one sided. Reb Chaim listened to both sides.

People are saying “Why don’t the anit-vaxxer Gedolim say anything?” They are saying plenty. Reb Shmuel, when we need him and agree with him, is the Zekan HaGedolim in America. And besides, most people don’t look as well as he does at 94, bli ayin hara. Maybe, just maybe, he does know what health is all about. Many people have recently tried to convince him to change his mind. He wont. Reb Malkiel is also very strong. There have been many meetings, with both sides with these and other Gedolim. You would be in total shock if you heard the horrible scary stories which are being presented at these meetings which were caused from the vaccines.

Unfortunately, this side and their stories is not being reported.

Let me tell you, most of my kids were vaxed. Except for one. After his first dose, he turned white, got a horrible high fever and needed to be rushed to the hospital. The doctor would not give him his second shot.

I understand with the news being reported, it is difficult to even hear the anti-vaxxer side. But we must keep our Emunas Chochomim. Like the Torah tells us, “Al Yamin Shehu S’mol”, even if it does not make sense to us.

That is what Emunas Chochomim means. Not just to listen when it makes sense to you. And for those who say “it’s their wives”, it’s not true. It’s them. I have verified this with their families.

The pro-vaxxer Gedolim are also not comin g out in public. Just a very few of them. And none of the big names. They are paskening for their talmidim, they wasy it should be. The publicizers are the Vaxxer PR guys, probably being paid by the frum “Soros”. If they would not have made such a ruccucs, the schools would be followong the Gedolim and wouldn’t buckle under pressure. They would still allow religous exemption.