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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


CS – he was trying to convince me the rebbe’s moshiach, so I asked him some basic questions, like where in the rambam does it say that moshiach will live forever (considering that the rebbe said that the rambam is the final posek in regards to mashiach) and whether if the rebbetzin A”H would be allowed to remarry if she was still alive (or maybe she is still alive??)

In response, he told me, we don’t understand and we just have to have emuna in the rebbe and to learn nunaleph nunbeis sichos.

BTW in regard to the original conversation, I personally feel the Rebbe ztl was a gadol (one of many), not moshaich (obvs), and happen to be a fan of Rabbi yitzchak Ginsberg, I think chabd tho has to make a big cheshbon hanefesh and draw a line in the sand,