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I agree with you that there is room for people to exercise their free will.

However, I strongly disagree with you about the notion that there is this conspiracy pushing vaccines. In fact, I will argue that the ‘following’ and cult-like anti-vaccine movement makes it seem like it is the other way around.

In fact, the false scare tactics seem to support this notion, If all this is, is some people questioning and hesitations about the evidence based medicine, why make a movement with hotlines, why not just do what you believe is the right thing to do and move on?

To me it seems pretty straightforward, there is a huge industry that is completely dependant on spreading false information against evidence-based medicine, this is the only way they are able to further their ‘alternative’ practices, these people have their entire livelyhood built based on the idea of convincing people that evidence based medicine is a problem and they offer a solution.

Once again, I ask you, for the sake of having an honest discussion to disclose what the life threathaning event your child had, what the diagnosis and treatment were. How else can we take you seriously?