Reply To: are jews allowed to play poker with chips? (obviosly not with money)

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“like betting” isnt betting.
Though its worth pointing out, Even betting isn’t assur. (though it might be a waste of money, but that is arguable and if you enjoy it then it isnt a waste.)
What is assur is collecting money that other’s give to you. In other words if you bet and lsoe, the guy who takes your money is stealing (miderabnanon) or if someone bets against you and loses, you are stealing by taking his money.
(In fact, using chips might actually avoid the above problem of asmachta lo kanya since arguably once youve purchased the chips that’s like putting the money on the table in which case it is no longer an asmachta. But this last point is debatable .)

“I’ve heard the cards are avoda zora”
Ive heard the moon is made of cheese, that doesn’t make it so .