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The little I know


I have no problem disagreeing with you. But your last comment was close to brainless.

Trump proved to be an Oheiv Yisroel by being the first to recognize that what the Islamists and Palis are doing is terror (not protest). he also stopped apologizing for American support for Israel, and he cut the stupid funding that empowered and and financed terror. The Embassy issue was symbolic.

Your perception of rabbonim instructing mindless people to vote Republican speaks very poorly for your intellect.

You also parrot the baloney that the MSM (y”sh) have fabricated and repeated often enough to have you sing their jingle. Actually, Pelosi disclosed that strategy a while ago, and the clip has circulated widely. That method makes people believe foolishness enough to vote with their feet, while brains are completely disengaged. There has not been a single thing to date that documents or supports any identification of Trump as racist, supremacist, misogynist, etc. That is a concoction of the left, and their politicians and media continue to sing it. It is sad that this cannot be prosecuted in court as defamatory.

Meanwhile, the present Democrats, almost unanimously, support every form of immorality, in violation of most standards that were part of the formation of USA. their version of democracy is frightfully poor at anything that varies much from socialism. It is true that many of the local elected officials that befriend the Jewish community in NY are officially Democrats. But at the federal level, we have never encountered a party in USA that is as opposite to our values and ways of life.

I wish you happiness and success, though at the complete exclusion of what would support your political obsessions. I also wish the Dems a complete mapoloh.