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Laskern, ZionGate is right, You are referring to the Democrats of old. Today’s young democrats are quite different from the party that you know and prefer. They are tolerant of everyone except for those that don’t agree with them- and that includes the Religious Jews and Christians. Our fears that one day we will have to worry about legislation against Bris Mila and Shechita, or a mandatory school curriculum that conforms to liberal ideals, stems from the Democrats. And, by the way, they are increasingly becoming the party of the wealthy.

I don’t think you can see either party cares more about people than the other. Mostly, they want to get elected and their promises reflect that. Their approaches are different. Democrats believe in feel-good policies, and spending a lot of money to accomplish these policies. Republicans rather let the people keep more of their salaries and spend it as they need/wish. For example, raise the minimum wage- sounds great, why shouldn’t the poor earn more? But they ignore potential long term effects like small/mid-size businesses not being able to afford to pay more, having to close or fire workers. When Republicans fight this policy it is not because they don’t care about the poor person, but because they are looking at the long-term effect differently than the Democrats. Free college for all. Great idea. But Republicans understand that that will cost money, will have to raise taxes to cover it, and education standards will drop. Welfare, public housing and other policies that benefit the poor- again, sounds great. But the reality is that these policies do nothing to get people out of poverty. Policies that cut taxes and create jobs will do more for the poor. So it is not that the democrats are more caring than the Republicans, they just have a different view on economics than the Republicans.