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@oyyoyyoy- I appreciate the compliment. Yes, I know people from the US don’t have a firm grasp on this issue. I’d say 95% of american yungerleit in israel don’t understand it either. You’d need to hear an hour long shiur on the subject to have a clue what’s really going on. It is not a one issue machlokes. It’s about revisionist history, with the eitzniks rewriting the past to justify their present. You can see how small this group really is with the number of seats they won on the city council, and you can see how deranged their current leadership is when they told the ostensibly more yeshivish/kanoishe oilam to vote for Berkovitch (a mechalel shabbos who desired the same for Yerushalayim ir hakodesh) in the last election. Some prominent eitz rabbonim (and I mean very very vocal, well known american born rabbonim who lead american kehillos) actually backed away from eitz when their leadership made that statement. I know that from over the pond it seems like a fight about reporting to the draft office, but it runs much deeper, and is more insidious than you think. Have you ever, ever heard R chaim come out about politics prior to this issue flaring up? Have you ever heard the chashuvste RYs in EY being so vocal, so forward and outspoken on any other issue? There’s a reason why their response to eitz is to remind them of what really happened in klal yisroel over the last twenty odd years- it’s because eitz’s whole worldview is based on utter falsehood.

The ‘only side’ comment was in reference to the mashal- in Moshe vs. Korach, there weren’t two valid sides.