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getitclear part 1 of 2

You seem well meaning and hurt, so I will indulge your error filled post.
I will not reply to every wrong point in your long post but will choose some to point out, how while perhaps well-meaning you are nonetheless terribly misguided and wrong .

“It hurts me greatly how parents who choose not to vaccinate are ridiculed for their opinions, written off by others as crazy, uneducated and naive people, and mostly the animosity toward us, is unfathomable.”

It hurts me too. but make no mistake most (all?) pro-diseasers are in fact crazy and uneducated. I say this after years and years of encounters with many pro-diseasers. You dont seem crazy, but you do make many many illogical statements in your post that really beg the question how you can claim to have properly researched this topic

“You trust that the vaccine industry is working hard to protect you and keep you healthy. You trust that they are honest and expose all the truths, never hiding facts that may be important for you to know to help formulate your decision. I understand that.”

Its great that you understand that but it isnt true. I do not trust them at all. And if there wasnt study after study showing their safety I wouldnt administer nor accept vaccines. Trust as little if anythign to do with it. and it is confusing that a person who implies to not be “uneducated” on the subject isnt aware of that.

“I understand that fear is something you want to avoid at all costs. ”
Wait what? You earlier said that we ” don’t fear live viruses, in vaccines, as well as additives and human and animal cells and DNA….”

“So if the government and vaccine producers can limit your fear of disease, and assure your well being, you will choose to follow their advice, innovations and promises.”
Nope, see above

“I believe you take the time to read disease facts….”
I am not sure why you believe that. IF you trust your doctor, what’s wrong with taking his/her word for it?

“You are a truly responsible and caring parent who takes the time to educate yourself before allowing the doctor to administer the vaccine.”
Thank you! iyh by you

” but should ethically never impose on you any health procedure or treatment.”
“on you” agreed. But do you really believe that doctors/the government should not force antibiotics on a child of xtian scientists who do not believe in medicine?

“I’m sure you agree that as humans we should have freedom of choice.”
Not when it affects others. yo udont have freedom to open fire on a crowd of people nor to shout fire in a crowded theater.

“I don’t know everything backing your choice of vaccination.”
Then you arent fully educated on the subject. Keep reading so that you too can make a truly informed decision

” I agree to disagree. ”
no no no this isnt a “agree to disagree situation”

“I believe in taking responsibility for my health. I believe in giving my body what it needs so it can function the way it was designed to be. I’m aware that when disease strikes, I or my kids may be sick for a week or two, but will get over it with Hashems help.
I believe our body was designed with an immune system so that it can deal with illness and then gain lifelong immunity.”
These beliefs are wrong and frankly, crazy. Are you not aware that occasionally people die? Are you not aware that occasionally treatments can help? This line makes no sense