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Getitclear, Sariray and everyone else here who is an antivaxxer:

Thank you.
Thank YOU. YOU are the reason we have extinct diseases that left the world when vaccinating became a thing. Your selfishness and ignorance is appalling. Forget about the fact that rabbanim worldwide are calling against anti vaccination, your so called “emunah” in Hashem is a disgrace. (And I’m not going to cover my sarcasm here. I’m truely disappointed in you).

How dare you ask Hashem to help you or your perfectly healthy unvaccinated children, when Chas veshalom they get sick with one of these diseases. It isn’t very clear that your kids will be sick for 2 weeks with no lasting issues, you have alot of nerve to say something like that. You had an opportunity to boost your children’s immune system and you didn’t.

Dont come back at me that vaccinating causes issues and problems. I had a reaction to a vaccination and I WILL vaccinate my children. Because the odds of having a serious reaction to a vaccination is so small compared to a. The problems measles , mumps, polio, rubella, diphtheria and the list goes on causes and b. The probelms you cause by not vaccinating (spreading to people who are immunocompromised, pregnant, I’ll, too young or old etc.).

I am a registered nurse, with years of experience in health care and I simply cannot understand your points. Your emunah is exactly the same as in the joke with the man who is in a flood and a surfboard, boat and helicopter come by to save him and he says nah, Hashem will save me. And when he dies from drowning he goes to Hashem and says why didn’t you save me and Hashem says, but I sent you a surfboard, boat and helicopter and you chose not to use it.

We are NOT angels and Hashem doesn’t owe us anything if we don’t put in our hishtadlus. And to the person who wrote about cancer drugs- it is 100% relatable to vaccinating. This isn’t about already having a disease or preventing one. It’s about recognizing that Hashem has created medicine to help us and using it IS OUR HISHTADLUS. Yes question the health system all you want, they make many mistakes. But please make informed decisions. Not based on the very very very FEW verified cases of real vaccination reactions (not “well he wasn’t autistic before the vaccine and now he is after the vaccine”. That’s not scientific or informed, that’s a correlation and a story).

I’m genuinely curious: do u agree with the fact that diseases like measles, polio, rubella etc. We’re rampant and caused many issues and deaths many years ago. Then vaccines came out and the numbers dwindled. And suddenly numbers are growing with the anti vaccination movement? Like can you see this fact or no?