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all those people I personally know who use the fact that they learn chabad chassidus as an excuse for davening late, talking incessantly during davening, not learning Gemoro. If they didn’t have that excuse they would be a lot better in many ways. And don’t counter with the standard argument of “imagine how bad they would be if they didn’t learn chassidus” because I knew a number of them before they began learning chassidus and they were standard regular Yidden who davened with a minyan, were basically quiet in shul etc.

The same way that I see that most Lubavitchers that go “Litvish” (and there aren’t so many of them, honestly) are really going to MO and are doing it for an excuse to shave, go to college and get a good secular education. I don’t know anyone (well, except burntface, but I don’t think I know him personally) that switched to Brisk, Lakewood or Chassidish.

But there are people who switched to Lubavitch for the Hisbonenus and Avodas HaTefilla, and they’re doing fine.