Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem

Home Forums Rants The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem


Poilke: keep in mind that calls of restricting a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their child can lead us all down a slippery slope. Once the precedent is set, what is to keep the government from deciding if metzitza bepeh or Milah in general endangers a child or deciding R”L that the state can pull a plug or force treatments on a child that can render him or her sterile?
Yasher Koach Poilke! I was going to make that point, but you beat me to it!
Provaxxers: If government has the right to decide what is “the best interests of the child” and NOT the Parents, then Government Can and WILL outlaw Bris Milah! That is exactly how the Soviet Union did it and US Socialists are copying the Marxist Handbook on how to Strip away ALL Rights from the Citizens!
The Government can also decide that the Torah is full of “Hate” “Homophobic” “Racist” “Sexist” and it is not in “the best interest of the child” to allow children to learn Torah! That is how the Soviets did it and if you Provaxxers will not stand up for the right of Medical Freedom, You will cause Torah to be outlawed, Ch”V!

In the UK, The Socialist Government recently decided it was in the “best interest” of two babies to be starved to death! (Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans) And they would not allow the Parents to to leave the country with their children to get Medical Care elsewhere – even at their own expense. Do you want to bring that Tyranny to USA? Because taking away Medical Freedom is all about establishing that Citizens of the Country have No Rights, Period. It is the Government who knows better then us and can FORCE us to do anything “for our own good”.
The Government will start murdering the sick, the handicapped and the elderly – just like the Nazis who started out with “euthanizing” those who were “suffering” – and we know where that led!

Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If They Lose THEIR Religious Rights,
then We Lose OUR Religious Rights!