Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem

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The little I know


Get some help, please. Your departure from reality is significant, and it is problematic.

You wrote: “Provaxxers: If government has the right to decide what is “the best interests of the child” and NOT the Parents, then Government Can and WILL outlaw Bris Milah! ”

Nonsense, and you know that. There is a huge difference between “medical rights” and public health. Eradicating contagious diseases is a public health issue. So is safe and clean water. Government has a responsibility here. You can get picky with the details, but don’t confuse them. The government is NOT looking to interfere with “medical rights”.

You wrote: “if you Provaxxers will not stand up for the right of Medical Freedom, You will cause Torah to be outlawed, Ch”V!” That remark is silly and pediatric. You know the response to that.

You wrote: “Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If They Lose THEIR Religious Rights, then We Lose OUR Religious Rights!”

More nonsense. As noted in an earlier comment, there is NO religious objection to vaccination. The garbage about Bitachon is a serious shaming of one of our precious midos. You embarrass yourself with such stupidity. Poskim all paskened about the obligation to vaccinate. If you choose not to, you are exercising your MEDICAL rights, not your RELIGIOUS rights. Stop confusing the issues. That’s intellectually dishonest.

Our generation has witnessed many things being cast as “religious”, with the intent on it being given respect and the protection from challenge. Many issues that land in that category are imported from other realms, and are truly NOT religious at all. Having a sensitivity to something and a proclivity for or against it might be an emotional issue, but that does not translate into religion.

Doom: Please show me where Torah says to not vaccinate.