Reply To: Are students allowed to be thrown out of school? Mesivta/ high school

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Are students allowed to be thrown out of school? Mesivta/ high school Reply To: Are students allowed to be thrown out of school? Mesivta/ high school

🍫Syag Lchochma

I think anyone who thinks there is actually an answer to this shouldn’t be trusted. There are so many variables that would go into this question including which yeshiva, why, where would he go instead, what have you done so far, is he broken or just battered, is the decision being made with heart, are you financially capable of helping him, are you cognitively capable of handling him, are you even sure you got the right kid, did another kid with rich parents get away with the same behaviors, who, if anyone, are you trying to impress, who if anyone are you worried about not impressing…..
the list goes on.
This is one of those dumb questions like, “did the military make the right choice on their invasion of (fill in the blank)” where people think they can actually consider themselves informed enough to have an opinion.