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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


That’s very cheap. Because you don’t like my opinions you don’t get to invoke “Detroiter Bochurim”.”

I apologize. TBH I didn’t think you’d get offended by that from what you’ve written but ok im happy to take it back.

“Clearly, you’ve never met a Detroiter, plus, I never learned in Detroit a day in my life.”

Yeah true it’s not like I meet that many bochurim in any case but yes. I have yet to meet a detroiter although username may be one, no?

“And, how dare you call the Rebbe not normal? Because you choose to twist his words, and then decide it’s not normal, and then not normal becomes a positive thing?”

Please show me where I twisted the Rebbe’s words. Twisting, as far as I know, is when you quot something out of context and then give it a new context to make it sound like the author meant something else. (YR actually did this with his first Rabbi wolf quote)

I quoted some things the Rebbe said without adding any context, just simply asking if that’s normal. One thing I’ve learned on this forum is that the kinds of things the Rebbe said and did etc weren’t normal as in other Rebbe’s don’t speak or behave that way. And I guess that’s given me a deeper understanding of how a Nossi hador is different. So I do see it as a positive thing. I mean do you see the quotes I brought from the Rebbe, or the Rebbe’s “unusual” (better word?) behaviour as a negative thing?