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“According to the Ramban that is what happened by the aigel hazahav where they wanted to replace Moshe Rabbenu then the erav rav ended up worshipping it.”

Exactly. Just to add, going to Moshe rabbeinu or any tzadik for that matter, to ask him to request things from
Hashem because he has more zechusim etc. is not a problem because all yidden are one neshama split in different bodies so it’s just putting your best foot forward. And that’s how Hashem set up the system of kedusha, that regular people receive their lifeforce through the higher neshamos of the tzadikim/ talmidei chachamim of the generation, much as the arm and foot receive their lifeforce from the brain (as explained in Tanya perek 2). Tzaddikim also help us tap into that deeper part of our neshama so we end up more connected to Hashem.

However going to an outside entity is avoda zara which is what the egel was. And we also see that going to avoda zara was a way of trying to circumvent Hashem’s system and get things not meant for us without working on ourselves in any way (as the Or HaChaim explains). So that is the complete opposite of kedusha.