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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


Rso: I don’t know which statement of mine you are referring to, but there are MANY Litvishe gedolim who spoke out openly against your rebbe, and there are also a number of chassidishe rebbes who did.

Every tayneh you have against the shita of chabad and the Rebbe, and you make according to that a maskona, is worth nothing, until you have a godol or Rebbe that says that maskona, only then we can have a conversation who is right, but until then it’s worthless.
So I’m asking which godel held against Lubavitche, Rebbe and what did he say and what did the Rebbe say back and hold. Because you keep on saying that ALL GEDOILIM hold what you say.

Rso:I’m sure on occasion it’s Ahavas Yisrael that is their impetus, but knowing MANY chabad house directors I am also sure that it is often just a matter of finding a job – sometimes a hard job – that gives you kovod within your own circle and in a community of people who don’t know any different.

If it’s just ahavas Yisrael then why don’t the litvish or chassidish do the same? ( Maybe they are lacking in AY). And there is enough of ahavas Yisrael to be done in our on community. Second, there are many of talented Lubavitchers that can run big businesses and be rabbonim, melamdim…. But they decided for some reason that they are going to leave their comfort zone, and go to a hole in middle of the world and build up a community from scratch, I don’t really think it’s a lack of a job, aderabeh I know people that lelf there job to go on shlichus.
Now in everything that a yid does, there is always a little if yeshus involved, wherever you are chabad being a shliach, litvish being a godel etc. etc. just some people like to put down people and focus on the negative.

Rso: What about all the fights when shlichim open up chabad houses that encroach on other shlichim’s territories? Is that a manifestation of Ahavas Yisrael?

Imagine someone opens up a business right by your business which you work for year to build up, wouldn’t you be upset? Now even you can’t compare to einyonai kedush but the concept exist, after a shliach comes down somewhere and buids up a community with programs and Bal habatim, then in middle of nowhere someone comes down and takes all he’s Bal habatim, it only makes sense to be upset, ( even though it’s not the ideal). So therefore they came up p with a system that shluchim have territories.

Rso: What about the fights with the “mushrooms” (I’ll let you explain what I am referring to if you feel like it.) If these people are doing the same rebbe’s work that the official shlichim are doing, why are they considered out of line and “mushrooms”?

They are not doing the same other shluchim, they are going to against the Rebbe ( most of them) they don’t listen to the system the Rebbe made and the people the Rebbe appointed, therefore they don’t deserve to be shluchim and most of them are mishichistim.

And regarding tzius, I do agree that there is a problem regarding tzius, and btw it’s a problem in other community’s too, now if a child whose not michunich properly with kedusha probably, then it makes sense that he will not be acting accordingly. Now you have to take into consideration two things, 1 that a lot of people in Lubavitche are Bal teshuvas and mikurovim and they have very weak homes, since they them selves wore never michunich properly so they don’t know how to be mechanech ( which is a big problem). 2 that when a child nebech is falling off the derech we don’t through them out of the house like other companies, like the chassidishes. These are not excuses or justifying anything, it’s just the fact, and a reason why we see more tzius problems in Lubavitche (which we have to fix).

Now if people don’t act accordingly to Torah or a certain hashkofa it’s doesn’t affect the kedusha of Torah or a hashkofa. Thre just not acting accordingly. I personally think that chabad chassidus has a lot to offer to your avodah, and I will love to discuss about this topic if anyone is interested.

Now regarding Sheva mitzvos: rso I don’t get how you could learn the Gemorah your way, it just doesn’t seem to make sense in the words, is it that you are miss quoting a Gemorah just to justify yourself that Sheva mitzvos is Stam mishigasim, (I think aderabeh it’s a rayeh to tell goyim about it).
And also the Rebbe didn’t say to go to goyim, rather if you meet a goy. And for your reason rso that there is arvus with goyim, I think you shouldn’t go for that reason to any non Jewish store.

I think your just trying to find the negative to bring rayis to your agenda. I see that purely out of sinas chinom, I’m seeing this meny times, shliachs- just to find a job, tzius, and Sheva mitzvos- false raies for the Gemorah.