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Rso: I’m not here to convince you, I don’t see it happening in the near future, just when you bad mouth Lubavitch and the Rebbe I do intend to say the truth, I don’t have to expect it, hut can’t make up your personal shitas and say it’s factual, without any godel backing you up.
Until you you quote me a godel that says what you say, and not just saying many ‘gedolim didn’t hold of Lubavitch”, (which I’m sure you can find some, but not exactly what you say) I think it’s worthless to continue, because you’re getting stuck in a hole. For example, the Rebbe made up the musag nossi hador, miss quoting Gemorahs, spreading 7 mitzvos Beni noach is “Stam mishigasim”, davaning my a Rebbes/godels kaver- avodah zarah, chabad are koifri, (not all you said, but all was said, just can’t keep track of who said what), when so many Rebbeim and gedolim except Lubavitchers, and didn’t think they are koifrim, (like I named before),
Do you still think shavah mitzvos is stam mishugasim? And nossi hador is made up by the Rebbe? And davaning by a kever is kefira…….???
And for the record you should think twice before you say something about the Rebbe or frierdiker Rebbe, (I know when they say something that gets you offended, you just call it non true of fiction), because they are storys that they had kapeidis on people. (Useally it’s known that they don’t but sometimes we heard that they did.) If you ever want to ask michila, don’t do it here, go ask by the Rebbes ohel.
Rso: “No, I can’t tell you what a godol is, but I can tell you just a few of the criteria that he must possess:”
Stira menei ubei. But I can answer of you want.
Rso: 1. He doesn’t try to explain away halochos that he doesn’t keep as irrelevant or inapplicable (e.g. sleeping in a sukkah, not eating Seudah Shlishis, davening after zman tefillah).
First this is a monhag Lubavitch going back the doirios before, and some you can see in other kriesin. second of you know any thing about the Rebbe, he was makpid on halacha, but at the same time he respected a hanhogah of a Rebbe, but even then it is told that the Rebbe didn’t sleep a whole sukkis because of the chshash.
Rso: “2. He doesn’t want to have his name, his picture and his movement plastered everywhere.”
From rule book does this rule come from?
And btw in the early years that Rebbe didn’t anyone take pictures of him, and you can see some pics that the Rebbe block, and there is a story with Sholom Yisrael (I think his last name is) chadekov, which the Rebbe block the camera, (you can see the same with the satmer Rebbe).
Rso: “3, He doesn’t come up with childish “proofs” that his movement is the correct one (e.g. Beis Mashiach is begematria 770).”
Don’t get the problem. (Surprised you called childish).
Rso: “4. He tries to ensure there will be a hemshech so that it will not become a vacuum after his passing with everyone doing whatever they want in his name.”
Again making up criterias.
And btw do you have clue what’s going on in ponivich? Everyone still calls them godel beyisrael.
Rso: “5. He doesn’t think about promoting himself.”
Cool to see that you have ruach hakodesh, and know what’s going on in his mind. (And why don’t you say the same thing about shach?)
Again these are all made up criterias by a little pipsqueak
All I see is that many gedoilim like I mentioned before don’t think of Lubavitch and aovidy avodah zarah, koifrim, vechulu.
They even learn Lubavitch chassidus, for example harav Chaim kaniefsky which took the sefrei chassidus chabad from Rav berel Lazar, and said to bring the seforim to his room to learn.