Reply To: Voting Democrat

Home Forums Politics Voting Democrat Reply To: Voting Democrat


Not sure why you are quoting something someone else wrote in response to me, but to respond to you:

The fallacy that Democratic politicians are anything other than a Hivemind that defaults to the most extreme left wing voice among them that is still publicly palatable is clearly evident. As Exhibit A , just look at how they vote in unified blocks on things that any rationally thinking group of moderate individuals would expectedly have differing opinions on. The Kavanaugh hearing is the most recent example to come to mind.

I think Democratic voters are diverse in thought, but unfortunately the politicians don’t represent them. Just look at how your party’s sweetheart, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rhetoric shifted once she got into office. Before the elections she promised she would move mountains and revolutionize the Dem party towards Marxism, and now she says her main priority is to support the establishment Democrats.