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I now see why tznius is still being discussed.
I know I pseudo defended CS recently, but I have to weight in a little here. CS, you have to stop with this “strictly tznius communities don’t count because of societal pressure” garbage. Nobody–including the other Lubavitchers–are going down with the sinking ship that is your argument. Just sweep it under the rug and move on.
Now, this might not be so politically correct, but I hope they let it through: I know Chabad and any kiruv organization tends to sell this idea that a college girl who isn’t shomer shabbos or nagia, but decides to start wearing skirts (or take on any random single halachah) is doing a way bigger mitzvah than someone in Boro Park who is totally frum. I know you guys need to say this stuff for kiruv, but for the love of all things holy don’t actually start believing it! It’s our duty to make/live in communities that have standards and have that “pressure” to do the right thing. I know there have been some left-wing posters here that have come very close to arguing that having unfiltered internet/smart phones and going to secular college, but resisting temptations is somehow better than just being safely frum like the rest of us. But, to hear it from someone claiming to represent Chassidus? What’s the world coming to?