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Chossid: ” after claiming that “most gedoilim don’t hold of the Rebbe””
Did I really say that? I don’t remember saying it. What I think I remember saying is that most of the chareidi world does not hold of the rebbe, as virtually none of the litvishe/yeshivishe world hold of your rebbe, and MANY right-wing chassidim don’t either.

“and that’s besides the point that he had Ruach hakodesh, and did many miracles. And your not only arguing with the Rebbe himself but all the rebbiem, gedolim, and talmedei chachomim which held of him, Lubavitch, and Chabad chassidus.”
Whoa! First, I don’t believe he had ruach haKodesh, or did miracles, so you’re proving me wrong by saying something I don’t believe.
Second, I am not arguing with all who held of chabad chassidus. I, for what it’s worth, also hold of chabad chassidus. I just don’t believe that the innovations over the last 70 years constitute chabad chassidus.
The Malochim consider themselves chabad chassidus, and they don’t hold of your rebbe or his innovations. So you see that not holding of the latter does not necessarily mean you don’t hold of the former.

“Don’t get me wrong, your allowed to ask questions, but you can’t come to conclusions”
If you don’t hold of someone you can come to conclusions. I would expect that you don’t hold too highly of Rav Shach, and I easily accept that. You are therefore justified in coming to logical conclusions about his views and actions even though you are not a tzaddik or a gadol.

“Hashem should give you all the brochois.
Hatzlocha in all your endeavors.”

Thank you. Vechain lemar.
I am confident that both of us mean those brochos!