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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

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@ Username

1) I want to reiterate that the “proof ” for initiating communication with a Tzadik who passed away from the Ari Z”l who learned Torah from RSHB”Y is a false move. The Ari Z”l did nothing to initiate that communication.

2) Surely you know what the last Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote in the sicha regarding not sleeping in a Sukkah Why are you changing it’s content? It is, after all, the svora in the sicha that Rso was asking about.

3) It is NOT a blanket Klal that you get to twist Halacha to justify a minchag. When such justifications are put forth (by leading Poskim) it still depends very much on how they are received by the other Poskim of that and subsequent doros. We can all go dig up justifications for just about anything you want in the vast SHU”T literature.

4) I”m still interested to hear in what way Chabad Chassidim respect their Rebbe more then other Yidden respect their Rabbonim. You said that their is a machlokes re: degree of required respect. Please elaborate.