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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

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I don’t agree with you that the shaving and korbanos policies were silly.

Bochurim shaving goes back to a consideration the Roshei Yeshivas had before the war and very much applied in the US after the war as well. This policy greatly enhanced kavod HaTorah and ultimately harbatzes HaTorah. Also, in communities where only the Rebonim had beards it is very much machzi k’yuhera for unmarried bochurim to do the same.

According to the GR”A we should be starting with Baruch Sh’amar in Shul, as s it is we are already being machmir to start before that. If someone wants to say Korbanos before the minyan starts what’s stopping them? Keep in mind that making things longer won’t necessarily increase the amount of time people will spend on Tephilla, they will just davven faster to be able to say more in the same amount of time. Also, the hashivus of Torah vis a vis Tephilla is not a silly thing to hammer home. The Nefish HsChayim spent a considerable amount of ink on that subject.