Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Neville ChaimBerlin

Non Political:

You’re missing my point. Take the way you feel about the Litvish customs and apply that as the feeling Lubavitchers have about not sleeping in the Sukkah. Now take the way you feel about Lubavitchers not sleeping in the Sukkah and apply that as the feeling they have about the Litvish practices I mentioned. Nobody is going to waiver from their side. Obviously, I agree that we’re more in the right; you don’t need to defend our customs to me.

I will say though that what Chossid is implying about shaving being a more extreme heter than being mevatil the mitzvah of sleeping in the Sukkah is completely absurd. The heter of not sleeping in the Sukkah is actually explicitly cited as a retroactive heter (a psak made in response to masses being meikel with no heter) in the S”A. You have no proof that bochrim being clean shaven for bal gaavah reasons is a retroactive heter. We don’t posken, like Chabad I believe does, that there’s a problem of lo yilbash in shaving the face, so it’s not a kulah by us. Sleeping in the Sukkah, on the other hand, all hold is a d’oraysa. The reason it’s getting so much discussion here and because it is quite possibly the only example of a group claiming that being mevatel a mitvah d’oraysa is a chumrah.