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“CS, If Jews would have stayed the full 400 years, there would have been no other galus. The Chasam Sofer explains that Pesach was the cause for Tisha Beov that is why we eat eggs at the seder which falls on the same day as א’ת the first day of Pesach falls as Tisha Beov. It is like being hit by pebbles or a rock, many smaller galuses or a big one.”

Fascinating. I didn’t hear this before but it makes sense with what I did know, namely that Hashem had to recalculate the ketz so that He could redeem them before they fell to the 50th gate of tumaah where they would not have been able to get out from. And they came out with “Rav” which is gimatria 202 out of the 288 nitzutzos we need to elevate throughout history.

This ties in very well – if they hadn’t sunk to mem tes shaarei tumaah, they would have been able to stay the full 400 years, and thus elevate ALL the sparks so we would have had the complete Geula.

Incidentally this also addresses sams question about oisgeputzen di kneplach:

On a world scale we had to elevate all the sparks from the spiritual world of Tohu which “fell” by sheviras hakeilim into this world – oilam hatikkun. We do this by working with the world and elevating it by using it for Torah, mitzvos and Avodas Hashem.

When the Rebbe first became Rebbe there was only a tiny amount of this avoda left – which was referred to as polishing the buttons – the last minor task soldiers do when preparing for the generals inspection.

Some years later the Rebbe said this avoda too was completed so on a WORLD scale we are ready for Geula. This does not mean that we no longer have a yetzer hara or cannot further work on ourselves as individuals. Of course we can and must. But the work of all the generations until now suffices on a world scale to have the Geula.