Reply To: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School

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Everyone is speaking here as if the state is a logical person you can reason with. No one is going to do this, all this is theoretical. The state will not be “forced” to do anything unless some politician is under threat of not being re elected or greased or some such event that threatens his/her power. Face the facts certain forces were waiting to pounce when the Yeshovot were not paying attention and are making it worth the politicians while to do so. Looking outward to the corrupt government is only part of the issue. The unfortunate truth is we gave them a reason to impose these regulations and that needs to be looked at as well — internally and privately. Sadly, that phony Moster and his comrades would not have been able to win as they have , so far, without our help.

The Yeshiva system is better but only marginally, there are definitely issues and anyone who is the parent of a “not-so-perfect-kid” knows this. Like I said previously, once you take money from the state, you leave open the possibility at any point for them to tell you what you can teach your kids and as we all see, this is very risky. So now that that risk has been proven, we cannot be in denial that there are kids that can’t “cut it” in the Yeshiva system and those kids are marginalized in favor of the “good ones” and are put through unnecessary shame/trauma, for really stupid reasons. We also cannot have kids that actually go through the Yeshiva system and go even a bit into the world and cannot form a sentence or a white a proper letter in English. Moster had a better narrative on this issue and we had no answer except to “react”. Yes he is a phony and he was paid/prepped/trained, but. We caused the cracks and provided the hammers with which goyim/Moster used to break the vessel of the Yeshivas. We first need to take back the hammers and fix the vessel before we scramble around like chickens with their heads cut off begging the goyim to stop hitting.