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Rso: it’s not an amazing rayeh like I mentioned. I’m just trying to bring out a point that halacha paskins according to the norm, how much people work and how the tevah of the world works.

“Sorry but that’s irrelevant. The Rambam is talking about physically seeing something. I don’t yet have ruach hakodesh but I don’t think it means physically seeing something.
And as far as the norm goes, the Rambam writes that we don’t say “perhaps” his eyesight is better than anyone else’s.”

Again that’s exactly my point, תורה על הרוב מדבר” we paskin according to tevah, how most people are, and that is, that people only see with there eyes, not ruach hakodesh. Therefore if someone has ruach hakodesh even if he could see the situation it’s not considered עדות because we paskin according to the norm, and that is seeing with your physicalize. But even if the that’s the halacha it doesn’t take away from the fact that some tzdikim have ruach hakodesh, and can see stuff which a regular person can’t see.
So the same with not sleeping for more then 3 days, we paskin according to the tavah, and that is that people can’t stay up for more then three days, but it doesn’t take away the fact that tzdikim can do stuff even if Al pi tevah it’s impossible.

But on the other hand, it’s very possible the maskirim wore talking about that the Rebbe didn’t go to sleep in bed, but possible he might of fell asleep in his chair, because I don’t think they would know that.
(I will try to find out)

“But if he could prove that he can say the Sanhedrin won’t kill him.”
Where do you know this from, I haven’t seen anyone say this, and it doesn’t say that in the rambam, it just says we don’t assume so.
But either way it’s doesn’t change the point.

“I want to point out how far you are brainwashed in your beliefs.”

Btw “brainwashed” is relative.
But so nice of you to call me that.

“Do you see what you are doing? The MAZKIRIM said something and you just have to believe it because if you don’t, and you accept that the halachah of the Rambam applies to your rebbe as well – even though NO ONE is claiming that there is anything wrong with it applying to your rebbe – you feel you are doubting your rebbe.”

I’m not forced to accept what the maskirim say, I just don’t think the rambam is a reyah farkert.
I have no problem if you tell me that the maskirim say otherwise, I’m totally fine with that, and possibly change my opinion, I’m just telling you what I was told.

“From this Rambam it is clear that keeping the 7 mitzvos is worthless without being mekabel.”

So let me ask you a few questions. Before I bother to give an explanation.

1. Nowadays when beis din can’t kill a yid for not doing a mitzvah, does that mean that now mitzvahs are worthless?
You can say your same statement regarding Jews, “from the fact that when a yid didn’t do a mitzvah he was killed is a rayeh that it’s worthless?
The same why they have a chiyuv to be mekabel we have a chiyuv to keep our mitzvahs. No?

2. Why do they have a chiyuv to keep mitzvos isn’t Torah and mitzvos only for yeddin? תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה קהלת יעקב not to the goyim?