Reply To: Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park Reply To: Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park


You are missing my point. Why should Mr. X, who I know personally, who has an illegal curb cut…, have a saved space (a marked curb cut, plus a sign hanging in the street. His XL minivan doesn’t fit into the space of the curb cut alone, this sign gives him an extra 5 feet to be able to park his car in the street). By the way, this uses up 2 parking spaces since he doesn’t let you park past a certain point so it is easy for him to get his car in to a spot on the street. If he would have a LEGAL driveway and pull in to it, he would then be rightfully taking only one spot. Now he stole 2!

He doesn’t use his bogus parking space on his property either_ he would crash right into his dinette- he has the curb cut only so no one should dare take the spot in front of his house, this way he has ample parking in the street). Now when he comes home, whichever part of the day or night it should just be, he has a spot in front of his house waiting for him. Me, his next-door neighbor, who didn’t steal a spot from NYC and from everyone else in this world, needs to park 2 blocks away because I must be kind and let him have his parking space in the street (since his parking curb is bogus).
And he is not the only one!! That was my point today.

Did anyone ever dare upset such a brazen person and park blocking his bogus driveway? What happened? What did you do about it?

If you own such a curb cut or hung a sign, are you aware that this falls under Goizel ess Harabim?