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“And in other places he says Kaviyachol. This is not meant to be taken literally, and is kefira if it is. We do not have GOD in us, we have GODLINESS. Big difference – and is the difference between yiddishkeit and kefira. A mistake in this is a mistake in yichud Hashem!!!!”
Are saying that what what the Bal hatanya says in Tanya that נפש בשנית בישראל היא חלק אלקה ממעל משש is kefirah and making a mistake in yechud Hashem?
Just need some clarification.
Chossid, that is an old machlokes. Many hold the Alter rebbe says outright kefira. People try and say its not literal but unlikely, he says mamash. You guys may just but heads here for nothing.