Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫


2cents, there are many studies – an ebook came out with 1200 studies – that the toxins in vaccines cause autism.
It doesn’t have to be large amounts – when toxins are INJECTED they are much more harmful then toxins that are ingested and are mostly NOT absorbed because of our natural defenses against ingested toxins.
Also toxins given to Pre-Born Babies and New Born Babies are more likely to cause brain damage then the
same vaccines given to older children or adults.

It is IMPOSSIBLE that genetics alone is the cause of Autism because you can’t go from
1:3,333 cases of autism to 1:50 in 40 years because of genetics.

It HAS to be something in environment and the CDC TRIPLING the Vaccine Schedule in 1990 was the Start of the Autism Epidemic – and an epidemic of many other chronic illnesses that never before effected children in such huge numbers like ADHD, learning disabilities, allergies, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and cancer.

Also there WAS a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed study that showed that Unvaccinated Children had waaaaaaaaay
lower rates of autism, adhd, allergies, asthma. SO IT IS THE VACCINES!