Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests


Once again.

I am not satmar. I dont want a single yid to die anywhere.
I am happy there is a jewish state, and would love to live there.

Now, what is your response to the 20 to 60 question? Feelings are not involved here. 20 to 60 is not a feeling.

Its amazing how liberals will turn around what you are saying and accuse you of the very thing that they are being accused of.
It has already been said that that you are the one without a halachic source.
I have never learned any shittos of satmar, and to be honest, am not a fan of satmar at all.