Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests


I agree, “the IDF certainly has special religious significance…” Boys and girls serving together in mixed units, even serving together in tanks, tolerating queers in the army, condoning any and all forms of anti-Torah lifestyles, along with (depending on the particular army base) rampant chilul Shabbos. To cite a few “significant” features pertaining to religious observance in the IDF these days. And I already know from previous experience that you will reply with some smart alec comeback that won’t address the points that I’ve raised. Because the concept of a “holy” IDF is an unassailable axiom, regardless of the facts, or of anyone trying to point out the truth.
I do not advocate absurd and dangerous ideas such as disbanding the IDF, some of my sons do reserve duty in combat units, and I am proud that they are contributing to defend Eretz Yisrael and Jewish lives. But, let’s not lose our minds and pretend that darkness is light, that evil is righteous, or that immorality is “holy.” The Rambam writes about “michemes chova” and also writes about chilul Shabbos and immorality. How to weigh which takes precedence? So, most of the Chareidi tzibur follows the decision of the gedolei harabbanim who feel that all these other mitzvos supercede milchemes mitzva. Others think differently. And I’m certain that the rulings of the rabbis who support IDF service even in these trying situations was checked and re-checked “a million times” — as is required whenever we hear a psak from ANY rabbi — we are more or less at an impasse. We don’t expect you to listen to those whom we consider the manhigei hador; you shouldn’t expect the Chareidi tzibur to change their minds either. Some Chareidim do; yes, and some (former) RZ folks now follow the Chareidi tzibur’s derech. So, there we are. We can agree to disagree or continue wearing out our typing fingers.