Reply To: Propane gas Portable Matza Oven in NYC

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I hold with the גר”א, against baking on Erev Pesach, but I bake all my family’s matzah myself every year. Here are the necessary steps to follow if you want to bake Pesach matzah:

Learn Masechta Pesachim with Rashi.
Learn הלכות אפיית מצה in the שולחן ערוך three times over. Ask questions about whatever you don’t understand.
While you are doing this, learn to bake bread (chametz), using hands only. When you are consistently turning out good bread, and have completed steps 1 & 2, you can proceed.
Now join a matzah chavurah, and learn from them how to mix and knead matzah dough, how to roll it out, and how to get it into the oven and out.
When you are skilled at these things, buy a propane oven, a solid aluminum rolling pin, smooth steel mixing bowls, cups for flour and baby bottles to measure the water, and lots of paper towels.
Propane ovens may only be used out of doors. Be sure the hose is equipped with the standard safety devices. I don’t know whether these ovens are legal in NYC; I live in Aretz. But they are identical to backyard barbecue ovens, so they should be legal. You don’t need to import one, a local model should be fine.
Make sure the oven can reach 500 degrees F, and that it comes with a baker’s stone that fits into the floor. This is essential. Heat the stone for half an hour before you begin.