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username, interesting posts, but I believe you’re missing our point.

No one that I recall on this forum is upset with the way you do things differently, What disturbs us, at least the way I understand it, is that lubavich has taken the “high road” even though in fact they are certainly lower in many areas. They have the best chassidim. They have the most yiras Shamayim. They have the only true way of chassidus. And, of course, they have Mashiach.

All of us think that none of the above is true. Most of your chassidim – and please don’t tell me that most don’t believe the rebbe is Mashiach – are looneys. The levels of yiras Shamayim in lubavich are R”L terrible (tznius is one obvious example that has been mentioned, but I can give more if necessary). There is absolutely no indication that the Bsh”t wanted limud chassidus (and of course chassidus chabad is for some reason the best) as the yesod of his “movement”. And there is NOTHING in the Rambam or anywhere else (except possibly in your own sources) that justify thinking the rebbe was/is Mashiach.

All this – aside from the concept of limud chassidus being the yesod of Toras Bsh”t – has been rehashed over and over again, and all you do is go around in circles and avoid addressing the issues. The exception being CS who comes up with direct “answers” that are usually unacceptable to anyone who has a bit of a background in learning.

Yet you defend a totally unwarranted and unjustifiable chauvinistic attitude.

I have gone on record saying how lubavich is fantastic when it comes to looking after the needs of frum and not-frum Yidden all over the world, but it’s when you start straying into hashkofo, and the statements and implications made by your rebbe, that you often veer very close to apikorsus.

Btw I note that you still have not addressed the Sefer Chassidim, as has no other lubavicher except for CS. Could you at least say something along the lines of, “I don’t know what to answer,” and leave it at that, rather that to hope it will just go away on its own. It won’t go away, just like the faulty sundial didn’t go away.