Reply To: Question for Jewish Democrats

Home Forums Politics Question for Jewish Democrats Reply To: Question for Jewish Democrats

Neville ChaimBerlin

Some of CTL’s greatest hits on this thread, if you’ll allow me to directly quote posts that were allowed through and are still up, even if it’s doesn’t serve your holy agenda:
“Ask more stupid questions and prove what a fool you are”

“If he doesn’t like the Dems in control in the northeast move to the flyover zone. I ‘m sure he’ll find the red necks very tolerant of his ilk.”

And, of course, posts that mods decided has to get the last word:
“I am far from elitist, my social circles cross economic and ethnic divides.”

None of the stuff in my original response was anywhere near as bad as these quotes from him. I’d love to see these corrupt mods explain why those posts weren’t personal insults, but mine were.

“If that is not something you can abide by, you willl have to find a different forum [sic]”
I would love to. Care to point me to a competitor? I’ve been wanting out of this bougie yacht club for years.