Reply To: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust?

Home Forums Kashruth Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? Reply To: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust?

anonymous Jew

Ubiq, i appreciate the time your taking and i believe i understand your point. My issue is the use of the word cheat. In the tuna example, if the heimishe wants to check every fish because they won’t accept a tuna acceptable to the OU, then it’s not an issue of cheating. Last i checked, Twizzlers doesn’t use tuna.
So, here is the question Joseph keeps dodging around and refuses to answer. What proof do you have , specifically to this product, that the heimishe hashgacha is willing to hire full time mashgichim to prevent cheating? Do they do the same for all their products?