Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


Wow, Chossid, long post, but I read it all and am about to respond. I’m only pointing out how long it is in case I accidentally miss a question of yours that I should answer. If that happens it will only because it’s hard to keep track of everything. So here goes.

Re not having learnt the sicha about not sleeping in a sukkah: “Then that shows you are not interested in understanding, rather….. Any sincere person when he doesn’t understand a concept he goes and learns the einyen before he comes up with a opinion. Seriously.”
No. I was very interested, but before I even knew there was a sicha on the topic, when I was first mocked for sleeping in the sukkah (yes, it’s true), I was explained why one shouldn’t. And I have had it explained to me many times by many different lubavichers – some just wanting to justify their not sleeping in the sukkah, and others trying to convince me of the error of my ways – and I have also had it explained to me in this very forum, where it was discussed for a lenthy period of time. I have no need to learn the sicha, as I rely on lubavichers as to what it says.

” the Rebbe never tried proving who moshiach is from the rambam, it’s just some meshchistim, and CS, no one else on this group claimed it. And believing the Rebbe is moshiach is not at all kfirah.”
Maybe your rebbe didn’t try to prove from the Rambam who Mashiach is, but he certainly gave tacit approval to all those who did use the Rambam to “prove” that he was Mashiach. I think we have concluded that you are too young to remember pre-Gimmel Tammuz, but those of us who are old enough and, like myself, often mixed in lubavich circles (I still do, but to a far lesser extent), heard and saw lubavitch propaganda using the Rambam to prove that very point. To blame it on “some” meshichistim (and CS) is actually to blame their views on the rebbe himself, because although there were times when he voiced his disapproval, there were many times when he did not, and that led them to assuming that they were right. For example, what about that chassidishe woman who gave a tambourine with Yechi, or something like it, to the rebbe? Yes, the rebbe told her he would give it to Mashiach when he came, but the rebbe accepted it and didn’t tell her not to be stupid. It’s actions like this that led to Meshichism.
And to say that we all agree that it’s not kefira, is not so simple. For 2000 years the standard Jewish argument against you-know-who being the messiah is that he is dead. Now we say that that was just a made-up excuse. Furthermore, those who misuse the Rambam and the Gemoro in Sanhedrin to justify their right to claim that the rebbe is Mashiach, are distorting Chazal and a Rishonim. Does that not constitute apikorsus, which is a first cousin of kefira?

I can see that if I address every point in one post it will be far too long, so I’ll stop this post here and continue in a new post.