Reply To: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King

Home Forums Politics Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King Reply To: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King


Coffee addict,
C’mon now , “…… You have to start looking at things from her perspective and not from your own…”
You must. Be nice…… just because she refuses to think from your perspective , doesn’t mean you should do the same.
You MUST be fair, and realize that though Gazans have their own government, they do diddley for their people, don’t care a hummus platter for them, just spend gazillions$$$ on tunnels and rockets to attack Israel, shouldn’t effect your crooked thinking..
Coffee, where do you live?? In Israel, Saudi Arabia or in the USA?
Now cut it out … I can hear you murmuring that she too lives in the USA and is now a Rep. So what? She’s allowed and you’re not…She has family in Gaza , dontcha know, and I don’t give a frog’s belch if you have same in the apartheid state, you’re an American.
By any chance, do you happen to know any Muslim kahuna that sees OUR perspective???