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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


I just realized that I had completely omitted replying to the earlier longer post of Chossid. The one that the mods censored because of “Kavod haTorah”, so here goes. (Btw how does one get to be a mod and read all the censored stuff?)

“There is no difference between the chassidus thought by earlier Rebbeim and the Rebbe it’s all one hemshech and based on each other.”
It’s easy to say that, but for those of us who have seen what we believe are perversions of chabad, and of hashkofo, in the chassidus of the most recent rebbe, it’s impossible to believe that it’s all one hemshech and based on each other.

“For some reason you always focus on the people that don’t agree with Lubavitch, do you know that so many of your neighbors don’t think like you.
Day by day there is only more people learn chassidus chabad, not less”
Yes, a lot of my neighbors, don’t agree with me. But a lot do. And “day by day” there are more people who learn Rav Shach’s Torah and who hold of his shitos, who learn the Satmarer Rebbe’s Torah and hold of his shitos, who hold of Rav Kook’s Torah and hold of his shitos, yet lubavich does not believe in any of the above-quoted shitos.
And btw, “day by day” there are more and more people who, lehavdil infinite havodolos, are mechalel Shabbos and are kofrim. Numbers don’t mean anything if the numbers are based on a distorted view of the Torah. Sh”Tz had thousands and thousands of followers in an era where there were no electronic communicaions, but he was wrong and extremely dangerous.
To prove a shito as acceptable you have to prove that it is based on the Torah and be able to refute any objections to it based on the Torah.

“Can I ask you the question, how do you blame the problem of the litvish and chassidish have on the lack of tzius and daven after the zman, unfiltered internet??? Would you blame it on the Torah they learn all day???Just because the yeddin do aveiros, that is a rayeh that the Torah is wrong C’s”v? Would you say such?”
I’m not clear what you mean in that first sentence, but to address what I think you are saying later, no I wouldn’t blame it on the Torah they learn. But I would blame it on a movement, and the leader/s of a movement, who ignored breaches in the standards of old, and concentrated on other things. Just as, I believe, you would blame a lack of erlichkeit on a fictional group of people who concentrate on not eating chodosh but don’t care about making a chilul Hashem with shoddy business practices. (I am seriously not alluding to anyone here. I was just trying to come up with an example which I assume you would agree with.)

“And I just find it funny, when there is advertisement of kupas hoeir etc. That say that this godol or Rebbe will be davaning for only 150 names Al tenai that give a x amount of money. I don’t know if it’s the Rebbe or the gabboim, but it’s quite funny.”
I am not a fan of that either, but it seems obvious to me that they are doing it to help people in need. So it’s a lot like giving tzedoko at menas sheyichyeh bni. If the ends are worthy, and the means aren’t actually wrong, it’s ok. Do you remember that lubavich had a millionaire’s club whom the rebbe would address separately? Each person there had to commit to give a million dollars over a certain time frame. They were treated differently than the average chossid by your rebbe, but he obviously saw that it was necessary to raise the money for whatever purpose he used it for, and that justified the means.

“why does this pamphlet [Sichat Hashavua] bother you more than any other pamphlets and advertisements put on tables in shul”
It doesn’t. But it is just another example of how we are force-fed lubavich at every turn. If it was just Sichat Hashavua without all the other propaganda I wouldn’t care at all. Actually, there is one thing I don’t like about it, and that’s the way there’s a picture of your rebbe on each issue. None of the other pamphlets have pictures of their “gadol” on them. Why do you need this so much?

“I never heard a single Lubavitcher saying that [Shach yemach shmoi], I don’t where your hearing this from.”
I have heard it so many times that I have to conclude that you are not getting out enough in your own circles.

“and they are mechanech kids that way too, kids who don’t even know who Rav Shach was.”
Where do you even get such info from?”
From lubavicher kids. I have told you before that I have lubavicher family. I also have lubavicher neighbors, and lubavicher acquaintances.