Reply To: Freezer-Burnt: Most boys unprepared for dating or married life.

Home Forums Shidduchim Freezer-Burnt: Most boys unprepared for dating or married life. Reply To: Freezer-Burnt: Most boys unprepared for dating or married life.

☕ DaasYochid ☕

The freezer doesn’t introduce young adults to each other.

“The freezer” as it’s called, is a rule with BMG has that a bochur first joining the yeshiva signs a paper that he will not meet with a prospective shidduch (in other words, date) for a few months. The reason this was instituted was not to change anything about shidduchim, it was so that bochurim will be settled into yeshiva when they start shidduchim, which helps them keep shidduchim from being a bigger distraction from learning than it would be if they started immediately.