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2cents: ” if vaccines were the primary cause for autism, as you have stated many times, then siblings and genetics would play little to no factor. ”

Does Genetics Cause Lung Cancer or Does Smoking Cause Lung Cancer? A: It is BOTH
5% of Smokers develop Lung Cancer.
Why don’t 100% of Smokers get Lung Cancer? GENETICS
If people with a genetic weakness for Developing Lung Cancer DONT SMOKE will they get Lung Cancer?
NO! They will Avoid Lung Cancer by NOT SMOKING

Does Genetics Cause Autism or do Vaccines Cause Autism? A: It is BOTH
2% of Vaccinated Children develop Autism.
Why don’t 100% of Vaccinated Children develop Autism? GENETICS.
But if Children with genetic weakness don’t get Vaccinated will they get Autism?
NO! Autism is extremely rare in children who are 100% UNVACCINATED!

And there IS a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study that shows this!
And before CDC QUADRUPLED the Vaccine Schedule, Autism was VERY RARE
1:10,000 Non-verbal Autism compared to 1:150 Non-Verbal Autism after CDC INCREASED Vaccinations!