Reply To: The differences between Litvish/Yeshivish marriages and Chasidish marriages

Home Forums Family Matters The differences between Litvish/Yeshivish marriages and Chasidish marriages Reply To: The differences between Litvish/Yeshivish marriages and Chasidish marriages


Joe: Yes….while the parents of a Bucharian choson/kalah may have made the initial kiddushin commitments when their kids were still in diapers and the cost of the chassanah itself would probably blow through the recent efforts by some Ashkanaz rabbonim to cap the costs of weddings, once all the parties are over, the realities of living together as husband/wife are really the same for ALL frum yidden. A Bucharian couple may be fortunate enough to start with a bit more in the way of resources but the day-to-day relationship issues, desire for mutual respect, issues with kids and machatonim are not unique.