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Uncle BEN
“Do you think the following statement is correct: “the Torah opposes eating non-kosher food and/or being mechalel Shabbos?”
Yes correct.
Seriously why is everyone asking the same question?
There are 365 Lavin in the Torah do we really have to go through all of them?
On the other hand, can you answer my question:
Do you think the following statement is correct: “the Torah opposes DNRs”?
For the record “What would happen if someone got a heter to have a 9th month abortion, before and after this law was passed?” I don’t know of anyone who got such a heter, and its hard for me to imagine such a situation. They are very very rare, and the whole thing is really political. Frankly if it where up to me I would not allow such late abortions. however I am mevatel my daas to the Torah though, and if a woman were to get such a heter thats between her and her Rav not the State. One of the hardest halachos for me to wrap my head around is the halacha that we do not wait for a pregnant woman to give birth if she is chayiv misah. ?I just cant understand it