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Doomsday -“This is Fake News MANUFACTURED Hysteria about an illness nobody was concerned about years ago.”

Another Lie! You Anti-vaxxers have pushed many in the Frum community not to Vaxx & Nowadays there is nothing to worry about!
This is very much far from the Truth.
The Frum community & their schools don’t tolerate TV & unfiltered internet in peoples’ homes.
But they tolerate Non-vaxxers – which are spreading diseases!

Here is the Truth:
“Measles Morbidity and Mortality in the Developed World are Greater than
the Public Perceives.
James D. Cherry, MD, MSc, FIDSA1
and Ulrich Heininger, MD2
Pediatric Infectious
Diseases, University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, California, 2
University of Basel Children’s Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Session: 233. Clinical: Respiratory Track
Saturday, October 7, 2017: 12:30 PM
Background. Measles mortality and morbidity are staggering in the developing
world partly because of widespread malnutrition. In the U.S.  and other developed
countries, individuals with compromised cellular immunity from immune-suppres-
sive treatments and HIV are also at increased risk of measles complications; however
measles is perceived by many as a routine childhood illness of little consequence.
Misinformation about alleged risks of measles containing vaccines (MCV) has led to
continued endemic and epidemic measles in the developed world.
Methods. Present CDC data and data published by one of us (JDC) are reviewed
for measles morbidity and mortality. The categories examined included: deaths,
encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and post measles immune
amnesia (PMIA). Data are presented as rates per 100,000 per year and are stratified by
age, sex and degree of immune competence.
Results. The following approximate numbers per 100,000 cases in immunocom-
petent persons were determined: deaths – 200; encephalitis – 100; SSPE – 100; PMIA
– 12. Ratios for death and SSPE were higher in males and in infants. The infant with
measles will have an overall risk of a severe outcome (death, SSPE or encephalitis of
1:215). Similarly, the risk in an older child would be 1:379. The risk in males is greater
than in females. The risk for death due to PMIA is small; however, the risk of specific
diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis are considerable.
Conclusion. Measles is endemic and epidemic in Europe, much of Asia, and in
Africa. Therefore, importations into the U.S. will continue to occur and non-immune
persons will get measles.
To prevent the extended morbidity and mortality as described, and to protect those
who cannot receive a MCV, extended immunization efforts need to be carried out in
the U.S. These efforts include: giving the second dose of a measles, mumps, rubella
(MMR) vaccine at 15 months rather than 4–6 years, fill immunization gaps by seeing
that they all have received 2 doses of a MCV or have demonstrated serum antibody to
measles virus in adults, and discourage travel to measles endemic and epidemic areas
by all persons who are not immune (infants < 1 yr of age and persons who have not
received 2 doses of vaccine or have evidence of measles serum antibody).”