Reply To: Yated, Hamodia, Jewish Press? What Is Your Choice?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Yated, Hamodia, Jewish Press? What Is Your Choice? Reply To: Yated, Hamodia, Jewish Press? What Is Your Choice?

Sam Klein

I get the hamodia but don’t read it cause I already read the news ONLINE all week long. I just get it for my family.

While between Yated and Hamodia I would choose Yated first cause it all comes in one folding and read together while the Hamodia comes with separate sections of local news and international news etc… And can therefore get lost and all mixed up papers lying around

But the best thing for you would be “no news is good news”

Fact about news is that NEWS IS ALWAYS BAD cause no one cares about some stranger who won the lottery or someone who took a strange vacation etc….