Reply To: why does wearing a white shirt make you more frum in the yeshivish world

Home Forums Controversial Topics why does wearing a white shirt make you more frum in the yeshivish world Reply To: why does wearing a white shirt make you more frum in the yeshivish world

too geshmak

There was no big meeting amongst the yeshivos where they decided to require white shirts. This is a situation that has evolved over time. Our gedolim from Europe who came to America all wore white and this has slowly trickled down. Now we are where we are and a boy who is on yeshiva is making a statement by wearing colored. A statement that he doesn’t want to be part of this community. There is nothing inherently wrong with blue. There are many communities in Klal Yisroel and many of them have some sort of exterior “levush”. If someone finds themselves moving towards MO they may put on a suede kippah, if someone starts relating towards a more chasidish life they may start wearing a bekiche, mizrachi, a kippa seruga and these are all modes of dress that have evolved over time.