Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Neville ChaimBerlin

“i was looking at it from a theoretical point, that according to you there is a possibility for religious people to die out.”
And I still contend that you didn’t understand his original statement. Even if the number of people freing out per year were 100 times the incoming baal teshuva rate, that does not necessarily mean the frum would be doomed to die out (even “in theory”). The rates of people entering and exiting by-choice has little to do with the growth rate of the charedi population.

” I would agree with you if that would be the only things that chabad does…”
We aren’t saying that, but those chumros are not as Chabad-unique as you probably think. There are plenty of groups that have Chabad’s chumros and then some (eg. virtually all other Chassidim) without the kulos. If it were just the awesomeness of Chabad’s observance drawing people in, why wouldn’t they go for a stricter chassidus?