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Neville ChaimBerlin

To explain the thing you noticed about YWN readers, many of us, whether we admit it openly or not, are coming here for openly biased reporting. That’s what sells in general, as you can tell from the rest of the world.

YWN has a pretty clear conservative political bias, which many of us like. Reading another frum publication like Hamodia you don’t get this so it gets a little boring. There’s also going to be biases with regards to religious hashkafa. Obviously we aren’t looking for a paper that gives objective treatment to news regarding Conservative/Reform movements. The readership here is always going to be Orthodoxy uber allez. Once you open up that flood gate, there are obviously going to be some people who feel rejected by the subjectivity.

Another thing is that we have forums and comment sections here that other sites don’t. People might want to complain about the frumness of every newspaper, but you’ll only see it here. And, it will be exaggerated on the CR which is, for reasons theorized about on other threads, clearly more charedi than the comment sections of the home page.

Oh, and by the way, the comment by RebYid you’re referring to was a joke.